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Texting and Instant Messaging in Spanish You On Here » , , , , , » Texting and Instant Messaging in Spanish

As I prepared recently to make a presentation about Latin America and the importance of learning Spanish to a bunch of beginning-level seventh- and eighth-grade students, I struggled to come up with topics that middle school kids could relate to. Suddenly, it dawned on me that a great way to keep their interest would be to talk about texting and instant messaging. I pulled together a list of some commonly used abbreviations used in Latin America and now — at the urging of several curious adult friends — am posting them here (needless to say, the kids loved it). Any more to share? Please let me know!

Pq or xq = ¿por qué? or porque

100pre = siempre

grax = gracias

NTP = No Te Preocupes (or sometimes, No Tengo Problema)

Vdd = verdad

Tb = también

Bb = bebe

Cam = cámara

je je je = LOL

KLK (only in the Dominican Republic, I believe) = ¿qué lo que?

TQM or TKM = Te Quiero Mucho

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