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WikiLeaks Controversies You On Here » WikiLeaks Controversies

Appearing during the first two hours of Tuesday's show, radio host Alex Jones offered commentary on the WikiLeaks situation and controversies surrounding Julian Assange's arrest. WikiLeaks founder Assange is being set up and framed with rape charges, he reported. Further, Jones suggested that Cass Sunstein, the White House regulatory czar, is actually behind WikiLeaks and is using it to create a kind of "digital 9-11," or Internet kill switch. "They've got new legislation in place they're calling the Patriot Act for the Internet-- taxation, regulation, web IDs, a total iron curtain over the alternative press," he declared.

Regarding the Army Private ( Bradley Manning), suspected of releasing the documents to WikiLeaks, Jones argued that a low level Private would not have access to super-secret US documents and cables that aren't even connected to the US Army. "It's clear that Manning is a patsy from the military angle," and Assange is the patsy as the supposed mastermind, he said. "My point is that this is all being put on display to sell a new McCarthyism in this country, to persecute anybody," and eliminate whistleblowers, Jones warned.

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