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No hay duda que el interlocutor de Castro en Estados Unidos con relacion al canje de los 5 espias presos en Estados Unidos es el Vaticano de acuerdo a este cable.

La informacion, transmitida el 4 de abril de 2009, se basa en una reunion del Diputado en Jefe de la Mision de Estados Unidos en Cuba con el oficial a cargo de las relaciones con los paises caribenos y andinos de la Santa Sede, el Monsenor Angelo Accattino.

Estos parrafos son reveladores, especialmente acerca de la reduccion del costo de las remesas que exigia Estados Unidos en esa reunion, y que hace unos dias anunciara el regimen de Castro, hasta la "posibilidad intrigante del Vaticano acerca de un canje de los 5 espias por disidentes presos en Cuba" para mejorar las relaciones y su seguimiento a la apelacion a la Corte Suprema en el caso de los 5 espias.

?Que habra discutido el Cardenal Alomio -Alamino- en su viaje el pasado Junio, reuniendose con legisladores en Washington, casualmente el mismo mes que la Corte Suprema desestimo el caso? Leyendo este cable tendremos una idea mas precisa de lo que se estaba cocinando en el Vaticano entonces y se esta sirviendo ahora.

Es importante, leer estos parrafos en el contexto actual de los acontecimientos.

"¶2. (C) CDA and Acting DCM (Deputy Chief of Mission) on April 22 called on the Holy See’s official in charge of relations with Caribbean and Andean countries, Msgr. Angelo Accattino, to review recent developments in the region. As he had done previously (ref c), Accattino warmly welcomed recent White House policy decisions on Cuba and reviewed with interest the White House Fact Sheet on “Reaching Out to the Cuban People” which CDA gave him. Accattino also noted favorably Raul Castro’s comments that Cuba was prepared to talk to the U.S. about all topics - although “after all, he has no other options anymore.” CDA said Castro would need to reciprocate the moves from Washington with more than words - he needed to take action on political prisoners or reduce the cost of receiving remittances in Cuba."

¶3. (C) Accattino said the Vatican considered intriguing the possibility of a swap of political prisoners in Cuba for the “Cuban Five” in jail in the U.S. ADCM protested that their circumstances were not parallel, as the Cuban Five were convicted spies and the prisoners in Cuba were dissidents. Accattino quickly agreed but said discussions that led to the release of the dissidents were worth pursuing regardless. The Holy See was also following the Supreme Court appeal by the Cuban Five, to see how that might affect relations between the U.S. and Cuba. As an interim measure, Accattino suggested that the U.S. allow a jail visit by the wives of two of the five Cuban spies. CDA again noted that the U.S. had taken the first step, now the Cuban government needed to reciprocate in a concrete way.

Juan Cuellar, Por Cuba y Para Cuba.

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