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Las relaciones entre Obama y Castro parecen ser mas amplias de lo que se ha informado publicamente. La administracion de Obama, al parecer, segun reportes secretos en WikiLeaks de la Seccion de Intereses en Cuba, ha discutido mas temas que la repatriacion de los balseros, el trafico ilegal de cubanos y el de drogas.

Acorde a los documentos, se han discutido desde "terrorismo, levantamiento del embargo, levantamiento de las restricciones de viajes a Cuba, hasta ayuda humanitaria por devastaciones de huracanes secretas y el canje de sus 5 espias encarcelados en EE.UU.
Comment: DIS was extremely surprised by the hurricane assistance-related comments made by the MINREX officer. Having spent a significant amount of time working and traveling with Cuban MININT and MINREX officers over the past year, Cubans are extremely proud people, and almost never admit that there is a flaw in their system, even when the flaw is a glaring one. For a MINREX officer to admit that his country may be willing to accept assistance from the U.S. should a hurricane ravage this island again, ventures well beyond the perceived pride level of GOC officials.

More than anything, the GOC does not like to be embarrassed, and taking handouts from the USG may well be a point of embarrassment for the GOC should they choose to accept. As such, any genuine post-hurricane assistance offer should be extended quietly; however, the USG should be wary that the GOC may be expecting a blank check, not a calculated offer of pragmatic post-hurricane assistance. End Comment. " "However, the topic was brushed over, and Bencomo reiterated his past message that the GOC is also interested in engaging in talks on 3 additional topics: counterdrug, counterterrorism, and natural disaster response and preparation"........... "Recollecting an earlier conversation in which he stated that, although the U.S. had made some recent overtures towards the GOC, Bencomo stated that the U.S. could take "heavier" steps to change the nature of the relationship. DIS asked Bencomo why he believed migration talks and the other three topics mentioned above were so important if the GOC was so interested in seeing "heavier" changes. He stated that the aforementioned forums for engagement are a launching point, or segue, to further talks on larger issues, which we believe include the embargo, Guantanamo Bay, and the five Cuban spies." (C) Ambassador Cacho said he had been asked that morning XXXXXXXXXXXX to demarche the GOC to ask that they be allowed to visit their imprisoned relatives on Christmas Day as a humanitarian gesture. He was prepared to do so but was skeptical he would obtain a positive response. The ambassador asked if Perez O,Conor and Salanueva, wives of two of the Cuban Five, would receive visas to visit their husbands. COM described the history of their ineligibilities and the differences between the two cases. The ambassador noted the GOC,s interest in swapping the Cuban FIVE for political prisoners in Cuba. COM responded that the vast majority of the Damas and their imprisoned relatives were opposed to any such offer.

El hecho de que las discusiones con la Habana, relacionadas a la inmigracion, llegue al punto de discutirse la liberacion de los cinco espias asesinos tal vez hizo que Castro anunciara pomposamente su liberacion en estas Navidades, resulta demasiado coincidental. En otro WikiLeaks, el Jefe de la Seccion de Intereses en Cuba, Jonathan Farrar mencionaba los deseos de Cuba en negociar el canje de sus espias, a lo que el funcionario norteamericano agregaba que Las Damas de Blanco se oponian a tal medida: ?Tendra algo que ver la division fomentada por la Iglesia en Cuba de Las Damas de Blanco y la resistencia de Castro en soltar a los 11 restantes? ?Seran 5 miserables por 11 justos?

Para mi es alarmante tambien que la administracion de Obama contemple enviarle dinero a Cuba secretamente en ayuda humanitaria bajo las condiciones de Castro. Una investigacion Congresional deberia llevarse a Cabo al respecto. Es inmoral que en cuestiones de inmigracion, se ventilen subsidios humanitarios por debajo de la mesa al antojo del regimen y se considere el canje de espias castristas por hombres inocentes. El nuevo Comitee de Relaciones Exteriores del Congreso deberia exigir una respuesta a tales maniobras.

Que estaran planeando los Castros con la nuevas declaraciones de Gerardo Hernandez, el unico espia condenado por el vil asesinato de Armando Alejandre, Jr., Carlos Costa, Mario de la Pena, y Pablo Morales.

¿Una promesa de Obama ante uno de sus jueces o un perdon al final de su mandato, como hizo Clinton con los Macheteros? y, ?Tiene algo que ver todo esto de "colaboracion contra el terrorismo" que Castro desea con el nuevo giro judicial que ha tomado el caso de Posada Carriles?

Leyendo los documentos de WikiLeaks y viendo el desenvolvimiento en el Departamento de Justicia de Obama, no lo dudaria.

Por Juan Cuellar
Por Cuba Para Cuba

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