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Requirements for Investment Advisers that Vote Proxies of Clients’ Securities You On Here » Requirements for Investment Advisers that Vote Proxies of Clients’ Securities

As a registered investment adviser, if you have voting authority over proxies for clients’ securities, you must adopt policies and procedures reasonably designed to ensure that you: vote proxies in the best interests of clients; disclose information to clients about those policies and procedures; and describe to clients how they may obtain information about how you have voted their proxies (these requirements are in Rule 206(4)-6 under the Advisers Act).

If you vote proxies on behalf of your clients, you must also retain certain records. You must keep: your proxy voting policies and procedures; the proxy statements you received regarding your client’s securities (the Rule provides some alternative arrangements); records of the votes you cast on behalf of your clients; records of client requests for proxy voting information; and any documents that you prepared that were material to making a decision as to how to vote or that memorialized the basis for your decision (these requirements are described in Advisers Act Rule 204-2(c)(2)).

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