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(The sixth paper of thirteen made during my kidnapping of six months in the Harris County Jail)

Barack Obama President and First Lady Michele Obama.
Melinda and Bill Gates.
Gloria and Emilio Estefan.
Commander Huber Matos Benitez.
Judge Ana Maria Polo.
Journalists Maria Elvira Salazar and Jorge Ramos.

Very good and important personalities from politics, science, technology, heuristics, art, jurisprudence, the Cuban exile community, education and journalism. Dear also for his influential and altruistic cooperation to the growing progress and prosperity of America and the booming globalized world.

I have sent hundreds of emails (as well as other major recipients almost seven hundred) for about five years. Offer insight into my research, innovative, methodical and academic culmination of nearly three decades. Exposed in a pent lodge called MYTRUTHS (MV), which may verify the information summarized in an article in GOOGLE, entitled Overview of my truths, but I have other newer versions. Promising achievements and global utilities must be permanent legacies, when MV was issued, in the present and future generations of students and learners (teachers and students) of all the degrees in any of the countries.

In addition, I have passed my supplementary reports on social contribution related to the defense of human rights (civil, immigration, labor, prisons, etc.) Cuba (my country) as an exile in Spain and then in the United States. Denouncing and protesting demanding thousands of individuals and massive violations committed by the Castro Cuban based generally on the conservative political tradition of utopian communism. I have also opposed the dignities and freedoms transgressed by another kind of authority, more or less victimizers, abusive and corrupt; influenced by the conservative politics of other traditions: the dogmatic fetishists. Meaning both conservative policies common mode of strategy and tactics of the vicious practice of homo phobic variants and / or xeno-phobic and therefore plenty of examples of discrimination (denial of rights to exercise one more) perpetrated by the tyrannical conduct, corruption and mafia of rulers usurpers of judicial functions in each of the respective jurisdictions (precintal or municipal, provincial or county, state or federal).

If however, my opponent's activity on both government-judicial systems of conservatism I have suffered many sacrifices and repression, with harmful consequences huge and detrimental to my being, my family and MV.

It is likely that some of you have received all or part of my correspondence, including that sometimes request specific help, you may have read something about it, maybe not. But if it is clearly not yet have received no response expected. Despite my admiration for you has not diminished but is enhanced. Also I have more hope that someday I meet, especially now, when I need more of you valuable assistance.

My good friends should be aware that one of the greatest enemies of our people are the conservative habits of hatred and discrimination against people, raised by the dogmatic way of thinking, especially by the ancient fetish m supposed predestination: superstitions about the ghost of apotheosis (gods) and Satan (the devil), complimented with the worshipers of the saints in countless churches and religious sects. Promoters and perpetuating all animosities, discrimination and wars. Of conflicts between the wealthy classes, with a preponderance of the elites of business oligarchs, who get the perks or weapons, cheating and embezzlement (by cincunventions or embezzled) and the middle class and poor, subdued and retaliate with more or less often , stripped of their rights or violate unjust laws and all kinds, including terrorism. Victims in addition to the plots of tyrants and corrupt hierarchy in the different territorial jurisdictions, no matter are more or less democratic public institutions.

Honorable and generous recipients is essential to note that there is a long list of violations against the integrity of my being, my family and MV, and damaging and harmful consequences suffered because of those scoundrels offenders for nearly five years, belonging to twenty-seven U.S. institutions (24 public and 3 business, including two oligarchs) exposed in 19 cases litigants (two penalties and 17 civilians) to crack my human rights work. In this growing string of crimes are also other more cruel and dangerous since the month of June 2010, that seek my intellectual activity and human rights, even against my health and also make me fear for the loss of my life.

Such increase of hostilities began when my perpetrators knew my enthusiastic and committed partnership with the reformist politics, liberal and human rights, established by the UN, encouraged by President Barack Obama. There are many facts to prove it. See for example my published work has seven chapters entitled "Reformism V. Conservatism, Terrorism and Crisis" My selection by President Obama to participate in the 2010 survey evaluating their current and future political work. Also, my cooperation with the candidate's campaign for governor of Texas, Mr. Bill White, etc.

Immediately, the ultra conservative Texas mafia is made the next series of abusive and vicious retaliation against me, my family and MV:

1 - Workforce Texas Commission ordered me to utter destitution, with my wife, the second institution that has violated my rights since the beginning of this criminal history, to which I have long denounced, and protested respondent. To deprive me of the extent of payment of unemployment benefits, without considering that I had not found employment after being called up 214 times, as evidenced by electronic information disclosed. My blatant warning that I would immediately be evicted in the company of my wife disabled and dependent, for nonpayment of rent for our apartment owned and privatized management, we live since 2006.

2- I falsely accuse the prosecution of Texas and Harris County "Terrorist Threat" misrepresenting my published worldwide real threat to burn or destroy in some way the movable properties of our marriage, after the out of the apartment that we inhabited my wife and I , Providence Place (a housing complex located at 20300 Rd. Saums Katy, Texas 77449)), because they can not take those, or give away to poor people in need, avoiding the appropriated or stolen are the same villains guilty of all our misfortunes United States, including the loss of our modest home and precarious.

3- Unfairly deprive me of my freedom or kidnap me for six months. Starting to arrest me at my house July 7, 2010, without allowing me fit me, or dress pants, or pick up my identity, nor does my medication for five conditions. Led to a police precinct where I stopped until the next day, he was transferred to the Harris County Jail. Where I was subjected to greater repression and suffering, such as deprivation of medical care demanded, a beating when protested by refusing to deny me food and clothes to wear the prison to demand and get my prescriptions that will soothe my headache; denial entire gastro logical treatment indicated by the Hospital Ben Tau, I need to remove a polyp in the colon, very painful and bloody (with a danger of being or becoming cancerous). While harassing me with false psychiatric studies and simulated in order to despise my intellectual capacity of innovative thinking, and prolong the time and the difficulties of my captivity.

4 - Ban I judge (by written resolution) approached me and communicate with the alleged owner or part owner of "Povidence Place" and his family. Apparent contradictory injunction because my legitimate threat was not against the alleged person, that none of us nor our neighbors knew, or knew where they reside. Without reference or show concern expressed that judicial decision by the group of elderly neighbors, or by employees who lived in Providence Place at the time. Disabled forcing my wife to leave the apartment within 24 hours and prohibit permanent entry to us there.

5 - To hinder and delay the judicial process of the current criminal case No. 1692632, postponed five times to change the original decision of the judge to dismiss the case and released for lack of evidence, criminal proceedings for failing to keep the bogus crime of " terrorist threat. "

6 - Provoke me to anger a possible fatal reaction, perhaps aggressive, perhaps psychotic or psychotic-aggressive to give them the excuse to my perpetrators then able to argue something both malicious accusations against me. Being totally false and misleading persistent complaint against me for a course, the first of a felony and after a child. Meaning both slander and libel, not only absurd and false, but felons and cruel.

Such retaliation government-judicial system of Texas and Harris County have had their purpose to continue protecting and promoting too many cover-ups and deception, aggravated crimes and discriminatory dissolute two oligopolies (Evergreen Alliance Golf Limited, LP and Wal-Mart Store Inc .) gang and their respective arbitrary increase in complications and scurrilous sovereign in all government and judicial jurisdictions of the United States. Preventing and delaying me once again legitimate deserved victory in the new second criminal case (tried before the Court No. 003, Harris County Criminal Court). Repeating what has been achieved by such a sham and prevaricating triumvirate member of the Court 001 of the Court of Harris County, irregular during the first criminal case, extended to sixteen months, I enjoined me to sign an unjust sentence for the false crime minor "violation" of the ownership of Wal-Mart, where I worked. However, I have overcome that mob when the higher authorities fearing and avoiding a scandal that incriminate them, too, chose demoted to the judge and the prosecutor in their respective positions.

Now the prosecutor and current judge of the criminal case and criminal kingpins of the State of Texas continue extending my unjust imprisonment or kidnapping. For example, in my current lawyer Rabbula (appointed by the Court) the judge from the beginning intended to release me for not having a criminal case, decided at a hearing on September 16. But that day the same lawyer informed me that the judge was discussing with the prosecutor two choices: either to reject the case for lack of evidence or if I am charged with a misdemeanor, but I was summoned for the fifth time (for the September 22).

Then I got the surprise shocking and disappointing to be served 120 days in prison (four months) in a psychiatric ward to receive "care." The latter retaliation, without doubt, perpetrated upon learning that I was getting ready to continue my hunger strike (which began on August 20 and ended on September 16) to continue protesting and demanding the return of all my belongings stolen and maliciously withheld (especially the numerous documentary evidence provided by the Court, the prison, the clinic, the Hospital Ben Tau, my family, and many other writings denunciatory of numerous violations against me and other prisoners). Also because I was writing a newspaper article entitled "Rick Perry has been a big problem in Texas, Bill White will be your solution." All of which seemed to have been angered and alarmed my abusers and corrupt offenders, resolving to keep them hostage until 16 December next after the date of the elections for governor of Texas, who sought to regain ultra Perry and other accessories conservative.

Also achieved that I could not appear at the trial of five civil litigation, provided their performance: one last September, and the other during the months of October and November 2010, for which I had been cited previously. Sabotaging me again the definitive fulfillment of my many demands for the restitution finally all my rights violated and / or properly compensate me for the immense damages (detailed in several previous papers) against me, my family and MYTRUTHS, caused by Many officials belonging to a part of the 27 institutions mentioned.

My dear celebrities, summarized the major problems here are also other more painful and regrettable. Consistent with the lack of solidarity and protection of my loved ones and other social entities and dedication to my vocation human rights in general, not exclusively for my compatriots inside and outside Cuba. The lack of assistance by the OG and U.S. NGOs, international and global, especially the Cuban exile and my family. Those who had helped me so extensive, intensive and effective participation in m notorious opposition to Castro in Cuba, Spain and to a lesser degree in the U.S. In this respect I do not want, nor prudent to speculate on the probable cause of this neglect now. But the consequences of this lack of solidarity has been very beneficial for the aforementioned degenerate enemies of the United States, violators of civil rights, labor, judicial, prison, etc., Remarkably those of Texas and Harris County, which also violated and continue to violate the dignity of millions of people, discriminating against them, hurting them and hurting them in many ways.

The detailed explanation of the evidence regarding these crimes is shown in more than 800 documents, almost all given to advertising, including dozens who report recent criminal events. Complaints taken from the prison despite the restrictions of my movements, surveillance of my enemies and the lack of communication with my family to book me many bad experiences that will be revealed if I leave alive or sane in this tight crowded prison where more than 6000 prisoners, without enjoying the perception of the sun or breathing fresh air. Many accused, tried and punished for unfairly, for criminal cases that do not exist in most states rights, discriminated viciously some, especially blacks and Hispanics, on all undocumented Mexicans. Subjected to extreme discipline, with poor nutrition, many victims of maltreatment, beatings, medical neglect, sometimes crazy and killed by torture or medical negligence. Without any journalistic importance, a privileged resource for the famous, particularly the jet set news or gossip for those who can pay the public costs of the press or television, and service firm for an efficient defense or payment of outstanding bonds and exaggerated as mine, for $ 50,000.00) to get out on parole and manage appropriate and deserved exposure under the defender claims often denied inmates. For example, I never allowed me to submit my case defense, whether oral or written ten-page handwritten did; stolen (along with other evidence) and maintained with malice by the prison authorities, probably in cahoots with the prosecutor and other heads of government of Harris County and their counterparts in higher state of Texas.

Very respectable celebrities, do not ask a specific solution for my personal and social problems. But I have faith that you could do something relevant and urgent for me to help settle the justly, that I will not consent to be killed by members of the modern Inquisition evil, which may lead to the successful consummation of MYTRUTHS, as a valuable contribution and historical legacy for the good of humanity.

Thank you very much.


Signed by Luis Alberto Pita Santos. (SPN: 02393708)
In Houston, October 2010.

University Professor of History and Political Economy
Heuristic and scientific director of MYTRUTHS (small intellectual enterprise)
Historic president of the ADEPOs (Association for the Defence of Political Rights and People's Democratic Alliance)
Kidnapped and tortured in Cuba and the United States to defend human rights.

CC over 600 OG and U.S. NGOs, international and global. CCO addition to hundreds of organizations and individuals.

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