The "Big Apple" attracts people from all over the globe who come for economic opportunity, culture and the fast-paced cosmopolitan lifestyle. New York City is headquarters for the United Nations, has the world's most famous skyscrapers, is the international center for business, finance, entertainment and the fashion mecca of
North America. This is where the happenings are! No where else in the Americas is there a city with so much to offer the Group Traveler. Whether you belong to a church group, are planning a business seminar, looking for a stimulating destination for a class trip, are planning a wedding or gathering your fellow condo association members for a shopping spree - the "City That Never Sleeps" is your perfect choice.
Famous Firsts in New York City
Manhattan's Astor Theater was the scene for the first paying audience for a 3D film. The first Boy's Club was established in New York

City in 1876. Apples were introduced to North America in New York in the 1600s by European settlers. Toilet paper was invented by Joseph C. Gayetty of New York City in 1857. New York was the first to require license plates on cars. America's first brewery was established by Peter Minuit at the Market field in lower Manhattan. The New York Post is the oldest newspaper in the United States and was established in 1803 by Alexander Hamilton in New York. The first capital of the United States was in New York City and the list of firsts goes on and on ...
Approximately 22 million travelers entered the United States through Ellis Island and the Port of New York from 1892
to 1924. Each immigrant was listed on a ships manifest and remains a permanent record to this day. Upon visiting Ellis Island one can trace their family and/or friends first entrance to the United States during that period and the dates of their arrival and information about the ship they traveled on. The Statue of Liberty remains one of the most impressive monuments one can visit.
New York City and the Port of New York has been a major channel for travelers since the 1800s. New York City is the largest city in the United States and the metropolitan area has a population of over 18.7 million. New York City consists of approximately 321 square miles and this makes New York
City one of the most densely populated major cities in North America and one of the largest urban areas in the world.
Hotels and Restaurants in New York City
New York City is one of the most cosmopolitan cities in the world and first choice for group travel. The hotels are among the finest and most luxurious. From the Grand Hyatt which offers luxury on a grand scale along with special rates for a 3 day shopping spree - to the world renown Art Deco landmark Waldorf Astoria which was the first grand hotel to combine luxury and services in New York City. Most all hotels in New York are equipped with conference rooms, internet connections, business services and comprehensive convention packages. The choices of places to dine in

New York City are unlimited. From the street vendors to the exclusive clubs - you have choices from Italian, French, Chinese, Cantonese to the famous New York steak houses and of course, everyone has heard of a New York deli.
Museums, Sightseeing, Shopping and Broadway Plays in New York City
Almost all major department stores such as Macy's, Saks, Bloomingdale's, Lord & Taylor - have flag ship stores in Manhattan. Most offer shopping discount coupons with group excursions. The Grand Hyatt Hotel offers a fantastic shopping spree package with shopping discount and sightseeing coupons. Just to mention a few of the better known museums and places to see: The Bronx Zoo, Brooklyn Bridge. Empire State Building, Lower Eastside Tenement Museum, New York City Museum for African Art, Seaport Museum, Tavern on

the Green, Theodore Roosevelt National Historic Site, United Nations Building, Whitney Museum of American Art and ... of course we don't want to leave out Shea Stadium or the New York Yankees or Mets for the baseball fans. Everyone is familiar with the live theatre and how New York City is the mecca of live performing talent. From major new hits to popular remakes of classic shows to the innovated enjoyment of the New Victory Theater Off and On Broadway. Tickets range in all prices categories and at least one live performance is a must when visiting New York City.
Advantages of Group Travel to New York City
Organizing group travel is probably a lot easier than you ever imagined. Attractive itineraries and prices can be arranged and depending upon the size of your group, the organizer may get to travel for free. Whether you are combining work with pleasure or just a fun excursion, give us a call and we may be able to arrange it for you. You sign up the participants and we will do the rest.
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